August Summer Estate Finds

Lot of 4 Daggers

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $50

Estimated price: $100 - $150

Buyer's premium: 28%

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

One Moroccan dagger, engraved metal and orange enamel and jeweled scabbard: 15 5/8" L One African Dagger, scabbard and hilt made of wood, hide and tissue: 12 3/4".One Asian Dagger, scabbard made of steel and bronze with depictions of dragons, the hilt is made of wood and metal: 11 5/8" L One north African dagger holder with utensils, holder made of wood, tissue and hammered metal. Utensil stems are made with bone with beads and carvings:11 1/8"