June Estate Finds Uncurated Auction

Sevres Style Porcelain Lamp and Bouillotte Lamp

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $100

Estimated price: $200 - $300

Buyer's premium: 28%

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

Two lamps, an Edward Miller and Co. porcelain lamp with painted Rococo pastoral scene, and a brass bouillotte lamp with green and black painted tole shade. American and French, Early 20th Century. Both lamps have been tested and work. "E.M. Duplex and Co." marked on kerosene knobs of porcelain lamp, signed "G. Poiterin" in image. Underside of bouillotte lamp marked "Made in France". Wear and losses to tole shade, wear and white blemishes throughout lamp. Wear to base and small losses to gilt and paint on Edward Miller lamp.

Bouillotte lamp: 25" H x 13" diameter of shade

Edward Miller lamp: 23" H